Welcome to
RCCG Netherlands Mission

Welcome to RCCG NLM

Dearly beloved, I welcome you to the website of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Netherlands Mission.

The Stichting Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) is an end-time Pentecostal Christian denomination in the Netherlands. It is part of the
RCCG international Christian ministry with presence in about 200 countries of the world and in all continents.

The RCCG as the Church is fondly called started as a house fellowship in 1952 by a highly referred man of God, late Rev. Josiah Akindayomi and his friends. The Global Headquarters of the RCCG remains in Lagos Nigeria till date.

Since 1981, the RCCG is headed by Pastor (Dr.) Enoch Adejare Adeboye as the General Overseer. The RCCG under the leadership of Pastor Adeboye grew from obscurity in geometrical progression – the RCCG is today a global Pentecostal Church brand. The RCCG Netherlands Mission is part of the RCCG Europe Mainland Mission Region currently headed by Pastor (Professor) CAB Olowu. Pastor Olowu is an AGO in the RCCG Global structure and he heads the Regional hqtrs parish (Jesus House) located at Amsterdam, South East in the Netherlands.

The RCCG operates as an end-time covenant Pentecostal Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and runs with clear Vision and Mission Statements, that have become a global reference. Our Vision and Mission statements were crafted to fulfil the valedictory mandate of the Lord Jesus Christ to his disciples in Mark 16:15-20. Verse 20 says “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” The first parish of the RCCG was planted in the Netherlands in 1997 and to the glory of the Almighty God the Church has made steady progress with more than one thousand regular members and several thousands of other followers. At the moment, we have a total of 25 parishes and Bible Study Centres across the Netherlands – click to view map

If you live in the NL or you are visiting the Netherlands and you desire to grow as a Christian or to know more about Christian faith and the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ, then I encourage you to visit one of our Churches – and I am sure that you will be mightily blessed. All branches of the RCCG in the Netherlands Mission meet physically on Sundays and some in addition transmit their services online via Facebook, ZOOM, Skype or other media. In addition, our key parishes hold physical or virtual midweek Bible Studies, Impartation services or counseling within the week. I am sure you can location a parish within 30-40 minutes bus, tram or train travel-time from where you are. Thank you and remain blessed.

Pastor Bola Lasisi,

For RCCG Netherlands Mission,
Den Haag.

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